Pets, Livestock and Wildlife

Responsible pet ownership

Read the Domestic Animals Management Plan 2021-25(PDF, 1MB)

Our Local Laws team can help with tips on responsible pet ownership, along with what to do with injured wildlife and how to control pests.

Dog attacks

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A dog of any size or breed can become aggressive when defending its territory. Even a friendly dog may guard the area on or around their property, especially when you are not present.

Most dog attacks in public places occur on the footpath or road bordering the attacking dog’s property. For this reason, it is important to make sure your dog is securely contained.

Council’s Local Laws team takes reported dog attacks very seriously and responds immediately.

Exercising your dog

Throughout Mansfield Shire, dogs must be kept on a leash in public, except in the following designated leash-free areas:

  • Mansfield Botanic Park
  • The Island, Jamieson

Barking Dogs

Dogs that bark excessively can be a source of irritation for neighbours.

Talking to your neighbours or leaving a friendly letter in their mailbox is the first step to attempting to solve any issues. Often dog owners may not be aware their dog barks.

There are a number of reasons a dog may bark, including boredom, medical reasons, fear or seeking attention.

Some possible solutions may include increasing your dog’s walks and outings, using a designated off-leash area for your dog to run and undertaking dog training.

Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994 it is an offence for an owner to allow their dog to be a nuisance, where it interferes with a neighbour’s peace and comfort.

If you are unable to resolve the matter with your neighbour, Council can help. The Local Laws team will need a completed barking dog form or a letter that outlines the problem, including the neighbour’s address, and when the problem occurs.

Council will send the dog owner, and the complainant, a letter acknowledging the report. The dog owner will be sent tips that might assist, and the owner is given 14 days to address the issue or contact Council. If after 14 days, the dog is still an issue, the person who made the initial complaint will need to keep a barking dog diary, which will be followed up by Local Law officers.

Contact Council to report a barking dog.


03 5775 8555



Street address

33 Highett Street, Mansfield VIC 3722

Postal address

Private Bag 1000, Mansfield VIC 3724

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
8.30am to 4.30pm


Trespassing and nuisance cats


Trespassing and nuisance cats

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Cats allowed to roam outdoors, especially at night can cause accidents, get into fights and even catch diseases.

Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994 cats are not allowed to trespass on other people’s property.

It is recommended cat owners consider purchasing or constructing a cat enclosure to ensure their cat is contained to their property. For more information on cat enclosures, visit Cat Containment - Animal Welfare Victoria for suggestions on how to keep your cat safe.

If you own a cat you will need to meet a number of state and local government requirements.  These requirements help:

  • Keep your cat safe
  • Desex your cat
  • Prevent your cat from being a nuisance to the community
  • Protect local wildlife

To find out more about responsible cat ownership, you can:

To assist residents with feral, nuisance or trespassing cats, Council provides a humane cat trap hire service. Cat traps can be hired from Customer Service -


03 5775 8555



Street address

33 Highett Street, Mansfield VIC 3722

Postal address

Private Bag 1000, Mansfield VIC 3724

View on Map



Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

8.30am to 4.30pm

Pet Exchange Register

Any person or business advertising a dog or cat to sell or give away, must be ‘enrolled’ on the Victorian Government’s Pet Exchange Register.

Once enrolled, each seller will have a unique ‘source number’ generated to identify them, this will improve the traceability of the kittens, puppies, cats and dogs they sell or give-away.  Having sellers enrolled on the Register will enable councils across the state to track the selling patterns of breeders and better detect illegal animal farming (such as puppy farming).  It will also help us monitor restricted animal breeds living in the Shire and continue Council’s commitment to animal welfare.

An annual fee of $24.50 is payable to maintain a source number on the Pet Exchange Register.

If you are a domestic animal business or voluntarily enrolled foster carer registered with Council, Council will apply for the source number on your behalf.

It is an offence to advertise a dog or cat unless the advertisement includes the animal’s microchip number and the seller’s source number.  Both the person selling, or giving away, the pet and the publisher of the advertisement will face penalties if they fail to comply with the regulations.

For more information about the Pet Exchange Register please visit the Animal Welfare Victoria website.

Animal Cruelty

RSPCA and Council’s Local Laws Officers often work in collaboration when investigating reports of animal cruelty.

If you have concerns for an animal’s welfare, call the RSPCA on 03 9224 2222 or report the matter to Council.

Livestock on Roads

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Wandering stock on roads is a risk to motorists, the public and the animals themselves.

It is the responsibility of the land owner and/or animal owner to ensure livestock is adequately contained to its property.

It is an offence for a person to allow livestock to wander or to fail to adequately confine livestock to a property. If you see livestock at large on a road managed by VicRoads call 131170 to report the incident. If livestock are on roads managed by Council call 5775 8555 to report the incident.

Council’s Local Laws team are authorised under the Impounding of Livestock Act to impound livestock found wandering.

Movement of stock or grazing along Council roads requires a grazing permit. Movement of stock across or along a VicRoads managed roads requires a permit from VicRoads.

Grazing-Stock-Movement-Permit-Application(PDF, 268KB)  


Council’s Local Law Officers are not authorised or trained to handle wildlife. If you find injured wildlife, please call the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change (DEECA) on 136 186 for advice, or call Wildlife Victoria on 03 8400 7300.


In the warmer summer months, snakes become more active. It is crucial that we are careful to safeguard our pets and family from snake bites.

If you see a snake on your property do not try to catch or kill it. Most snakes in Victoria are venomous and will strike if provoked. Walk away from the snake slowly and keep an eye on it from a safe distance (several metres away).

If the snake is inside the house, close doors to contain it in one room.

Keep your pets and family safely away from the snake and call the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) on 136 186, or Council who will provide the names and details of your local snake catchers.

If you are bitten by a snake - call 000 immediately.



1080 Pest Animal Bait

Agriculture Victoria undertakes 1080 pest animal poisoning programs using buried baits and Canid Pest Ejectors on public land.  For information on current baiting programs - Wilddog Management


Bees and wasps on private property

Council does not provide a bee and wasp removal service but may be able to provide some contacts to assist you.  

Bees on Council land or nature strips

To report a swarm of bees on Council land or a nature strip, please contact Customer Service.


03 5775 8555



Street address

33 Highett Street, Mansfield VIC 3722

Postal address

Private Bag 1000, Mansfield VIC 3724

View on Map



Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

8.30 am to 4.30 pm