Outlying Communities Infrastructure Fund

Applications are now open for the 2024 Outlying Communities Infrastructure Fund. Final submissions will close on Monday 14 October 2024 at 5pm.

The Outlying Communities Infrastructure Fund aims to support communities to develop or improve community facilities that enhance liveability and improve community resilience and connectivity in outlying communities within the Mansfield Shire. 

This will be achieved by utilising the funding amount to provide Mansfield Shire outlying communities with the opportunity to apply for grants up to $20,000 out of a total funding pool of $75,000. 

Apply now

Who Can Apply?

  • Groups and organisations registered on the Australian Government: Australian Business Registry as an Incorporated Association, State or Local Government Entity
  • Groups or organisations auspiced by an Incorporated Association, State or Local Government Entity
  • Multiple Groups within the same community

Who Cannot Apply

Applications will not be accepted from:

  • Individuals
  • Groups or organisations that were successful in the previous round, 2023-24, are not eligible for a grant in 2024-2025
  • Businesses or political groups
  • Government agencies – with the exception of groups registered as State or Local Government Entities for the purpose of managing land – i.e. Crown Land Committee of Management and Local Government halls and reserves.
  • Individuals, groups or organisations outside Mansfield Shire
  • Applicants that have not successfully acquitted previous Council grants or who have outstanding debts to Council

Eligible Projects

The projects must:

  • Demonstrate ongoing community benefit
  • Take place in an outlying community within the Mansfield Shire (not within Mansfield township as per the Planning Scheme)
  • Deliver capital improvement to buildings, facilities and publicly accessible land managed or maintained for community benefit

Eligible projects may include:

  • Improvements to community buildings i.e. kitchens, bathrooms, social spaces
  • Improvements to sporting and recreational facilities
  • New infrastructure initiatives
  • Infrastructure that increases inclusion, accessibility for all abilities and fair access
  • Sustainability improvements
  • Projects that reduce risk or increase safety
  • Storage improvements
  • Fencing

What We Do Not Fund

  • Appliances and/or non-permanent equipment
  • Projects that will require recurrent funding
  • Staff costs
  • Projects that have previously been funded by Council
  • Purchase of land or buildings
  • Payment to the applicant for time spent working on the project or planning the project
  • Maintenance works that are an organisation or club responsibility under tenancy or lease agreement
  • Projects which exclude access to the public or community groups
  • Ongoing administration and operational costs
  • Expenditure or financial commitments made before the grant has been awarded
  • Works that have already been started or completed
  • Projects located within the Mansfield township zone (as defined by the Planning Scheme)

Community Contribution

This fund does not have a set community contribution, however, applicants must demonstrate some contribution from the community to the project grant total.

Eligible contributions include volunteer labour, professional services, donated materials or cash.

In-kind contributions, rates and cash

In-kind contribution is a contribution of a good or a service other than money. Including, voluntary labour (for example, painting work), donated goods (for example, kitchen equipment), donated services (for example, professional advice from an architect).

The following information is provided by the Victorian Government to help you calculate your in-kind contribution: www.vic.gov.au/grants-understanding-kind-contributions

The calculation of your in-kind contribution is based on your best estimates. The following figures may help guide you:

  • Calculate volunteer general labour at $20 per hour
  • Calculate volunteer specialist labour (for example, engineer or architect) at $45 per hour
  • Calculate donated goods at the price you would pay for them if they were not donated

Cash donations can come from fundraising events, individuals, foundations, businesses or community groups.

Want To Apply - Next Steps

  1. Check your eligibility against the criteria
  2. Read the guidelines before completing your application. Option to discuss your proposal with a Council Officer: community.development@mansfield.vic.gov.au OR 03 5775 8555
  3. Obtain quotes for all expenses for your proposal
  4. Obtain letters of support and establish partnerships and links with other groups
  5. Provide all supporting documentation to attach to your submission, including photographs, quotes, financial statements and insurance
  6. Attend the project workshop and present your project
  7. Submit your application online by the due date

Apply now

Receipt of application forms will be acknowledged by email following submission. If an acknowledgement email is not received following submission, please contact community.development@mansfield.vic.gov.au OR 03 5775 8555

Key Dates

Grant Opens Friday 26 July 2024

Grant Closes Monday 14 October 2024 at 5pm

Project Workshop Date TBC

The project workshop is an opportunity to present your draft project to council officers with expertise in Planning Infrastructure and Community Development for assistance and guidance. Officers will provide guidance in any regulatory requirements or stakeholder involvement that may be necessary.

All applications are assessed by a panel and presented to Councillors for endorsement at the Council meeting.

Successful projects are expected to be announced in December 2024.

The communities awarded in the last round FY23-24:

  • Ancona Hall Committee Inc - Ancona Hall restoration
  • Goughs Bay Area Progress Association - Playground 
  • Howqua Inlet Auspiced by Jamieson Community Group and Associated Bodies Inc - Howqua Inlet community walking trail 
  • Matlock Cemetery Trust - Matlock Cemetery public facilities improvement
  • Mansfield Motorcycle Club Inc - Facilities improvement
  • Peppin Hub Inc - Community Centre signage project
  • Woods Point Progress Association - Goldfields Museum building restoration