

Council does not issue Building Permits. You will need to engage a Private Building Surveyor. 

Private Building Surveyors

Council’s Building Unit, in a statutory role, offers comprehensive information on all constructions under the Building Act 1993 and Building Regulations 2018.

What is the difference between a building permit and a planning permit?

  • Building permits relate specifically to the carrying out of building work.  Building permits ensure that all building work complies with the Building Regulations and are safe.  However, there are times when a planning permit may also be required.
  • Planning permits are legal documents giving permission for a land use or development, and may be required by your local council.  If a planning permit is required, it must be obtained before a building permit can be issued.
  • A planning permit does not remove the need to obtain a building permit.
  • The best way to find out whether you need a planning permit is to contact Council’s Planning office. 


03 5775 8555


Street address

33 Highett Street, Mansfield VIC 3722

Postal address

Private Bag 1000, Mansfield VIC 3724

View on Map

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Do I need a Building Permit?

The Building Act 1993 (the Act) and Building Regulations 2018 (the Regulations) legislate that all building work is subject to the issue of a building permit, unless an exemption exists for the proposed work under the Regulations. This includes some minor non-structural alterations and repair or maintenance work.  The link below will provide further information:

When is a Building Permit required

Report and Consent

A Report and Consent is the process for consulting with and obtaining the approval of a reporting authority when building work may affect assets, infrastructure or amenity of the community.



Can I build a shed on my land?

Applications relating to building a shed on vacant allotments in General Residential Zone (GRZ), Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ) and Rural Living Zone cannot be approved.

Requests to build sheds on vacant land in other zones will only be considered if the use is allowed by the Mansfield Planning Scheme.  If not being built for these purposes, a building permit must already have been issued for a dwelling for this to occur.

Habitation of a shed in Victoria is an offence under the Building Act.

Request for copies of Building Plans

You may need copies of house plans or commercial building plans to help prepare designs for new building work, garages or other outbuildings on your property.

Before applying, please note:

  • Plans and permits are the property of the owner, and copies of documents may only be provided to the owner or an agent of the owner (written letter of consent from the owner required). Proof of identity will be required.
  • There is no guarantee that the required plans or documents will be available or that the quality will be to a particular standard.
  • Permit files more than 40 years old are unlikely to be available.
  • Boundary setbacks and other dimensions shown on plans should not be relied upon without being confirmed on-site by a licensed land surveyor.
  • Sewer drainage lines are rarely shown on building permit plans, and stormwater (roof runoff) drainage lines, if shown, are usually indicative and cannot be relied upon without being confirmed on site.
  • Currently, Council can only provide electronic copies of planning and building plans. We cannot send printed copies.
  • Most physical files are stored offsite in an external storage facility. Accessing these records can take up to 15 business days.

Please note this information and process applies to requests for plans associated with a building permit only.

Request for Plans(PDF, 200KB)

Request a Building or Property Information Certificate

For a fee, property owners, neighbours or other third-parties with written consent can request property information documents online. These are often referred to as Building Regulations 51 (Part 1) and (Part 2).

Building information certificate - Building Regulations 51 (Part 1)

This information is usually requested when buying or selling a property, including:

  • details of any building permits or certificates of final inspection issued in the preceding 10 years
  • whether a combined allotment can be treated as one, and whether any subdivided building is exempt from having to conform to any particular building regulations
  • whether there are any current building notices or orders (these require owners to undertake works to address non-compliant issues with the building)

Property information certificate - Building Regulations 51 (Part 2)

This information is usually requested as the first step in the design process. This information is usually obtained by architects, associated professionals or property owners so that they may ensure the design of proposed building works meets regulatory requirements.

Information includes whether land is in an area:

  • liable to flooding (Regulation 153)
  • considered to have a level of bushfire risk
  • likely to be subject to significant snowfall (Regulation 152)
  • in a designated termite area (Regulation 151)
  • that has been designated for use or works (Regulation 154)

Request for Property / Building Information(PDF, 223KB)

Do I need a building permit for my pool or spa?

In Victoria, all swimming pools and spas with a water depth of more than 300mm (30cm) must have safety barriers around them to restrict access of young children to the pool area.  The link below explains this more fully, and the related building permit requirements.

How do I register my pool or spa?

You can register your swimming pool or spa by completing a printable form and e-mailing it to us at     The registration fee of $35.10 is applicable. An information search fee may be applicable but will be waived if Council can easily determine the swimming pool or spa construction date using its existing permit data base.  If, however, further investigation is required to determine the construction date, an additional fee of $35.10 may be applicable.

Swimming Pool or Spa Registration(PDF, 243KB)

Certificate of Barrier Compliance

Once your pool/spa is registered with Council you will receive confirmation that will confirm:

  • that your pool/spa has been entered onto the Council Swimming Pool/Spa register
  • the date of construction of your pool/spa
  • the Barrier Standard applicable to your pool/spa
  • the due date to lodge your Certificate of Barrier Compliance with Council.

Inspections for Certificates of Barrier Compliance can only be carried out by:

  • a registered pool barrier inspector
  • a registered building surveyor
  • a registered building inspector
  • a municipal building surveyor

You can search for a registered building surveyor or inspector authorised to carry out inspections and certification at the Victorian Building Authority.  The relevant inspector will be able to advise you of their availability and their fee.  Council also offers this service and the current Council fee is $380.10.

After your pool/spa safety barrier has been inspected, your building inspector or surveyor will let you know if the barriers are compliant or not.

  • If your safety barrier is compliant, your building inspector or surveyor will issue a Certificate of Barrier Compliance.
  • If your safety barrier is not compliant, you will need to carry out improvements to meet the relevant standards. Your inspector will then reinspect and issue a Certificate of Barrier Compliance.
  • When you receive a Certificate of Barrier Compliance, it must be lodged with Council within 28 days of the inspection date.  There is a legislated fee of $22.50 payable at time of lodgement.

Apply for Certificate of Barrier Compliance

Complete the form and return to

Application for Certificate of Compliance(PDF, 200KB)

How to Lodge a Certificate of Barrier Compliance

Post or deliver to Council Office at 33 Highett Street, Mansfield - or email to


Do I need a building permit for a fence?

Sometimes a building permit is required for a fence.  Some fences are exempted from the need for a building permit.  Contact a building surveyor to check..


Front Fence

A front fence constructed of timber, palings or colorbond must not exceed a height of 1.5 metres or 1 metre if it is within 9 metres of a street intersection. A building permit is required for any front fence higher than specified above, or for any brick or masonry fence higher than 1.2metres.

You need to also check your title to ensure that there are no fencing covenants on the property. For example, no fence to be built or a certain height and type of fence may be determined.

Side Fence

Side and rear fences constructed of timber, palings or colorbond must not exceed a height of 2 metres, unless the fence (or part of a fence) is within 3 metres of a street alignment (in which case the height must not exceed 1.5metres).

Check your title for boundary particulars and consult with a land surveyor if unsure.

Consult with your neighbour regarding price, cost sharing arrangements and style.

Fencing Disputes

If neighbours cannot agree on a boundary fence between their properties, this becomes a ‘civil’ issue and not a council issue. If there is a dispute and you cannot agree, this is a civil matter and you may need to seek legal advice from a solicitor. Council will not be involved in this matter.

Further information may be found Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria

Fencing between Private Land and Council Land

Please put this request in writing. Council will then consider the type of fence and the total cost of erecting the fence.

Adjoining Property Owner Details

In accordance with the Fences Act 1968 and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, Council can only provide the name and mailing address of adjoining property owners for the purpose of fencing enquiries. Request for Information - Fencing(PDF, 60KB)' form must be completed and returned to Council’s Revenue Unit.

In response, Council will provide the name and mailing address of the neighbour which can only be used in relation to the fencing matter stated on the application. No other personal information will be provided.