Budget 2024-25 Mansfield Shire Council adopted the 2024-25 Budget at its Ordinary Council Meeting held Tuesday 25 June 2024.
Community Vision 2040 The Community Vision influences and guides all Council strategies, planning, and actions.
Annual Report 2022-23 The Annual Report is the primary means of giving our community an overview of Council's operations and performance during the financial years.
Council Plan Our Council Plan is a medium term strategic document that outlines the direction of Council for a 4 year period.
Financial Plan 2021-2031 Councils were required to prepare and adopt a Financial Plan for a period of at least 10 years under the Local Government Act 2020.
Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan The purpose of the Plan is to provide strategic intent to the entire community on how we can work together to improve our community's health and wellbeing.
Asset Plan 2023-2033 The Asset Plan is a long-term strategic document that outlines and communicates Council’s proposed priorities and related expenditure on infrastructure assets for the next 10 years and into the longer-term.
Climate Action Plan The Climate Action Plan sets out Council’s position on mitigating the impacts of climate change within corporate operations.