Information for Applicants

Working with us

Thank you for your interest in working with Mansfield Shire Council. Mansfield Shire is home to the dramatic landscapes of Victoria’s High Country. Situated in the north east region of Victoria, we are the destination for outdoor adventure, water and snow sports, food and wine and much more. Our employees have a broad range of expertise and, through their work, contribute to the growth and well-being of our community. Mansfield Shire Council is an equal opportunity employer and we offer our employees a number of flexible working options to ensure that they enjoy a healthy work life balance.


We advertise our vacancies via a number of platforms to ensure that we reach the broadest pool of talent. You can find vacancies here on Council’s website, in our local paper The Mansfield Courier (contained within the ‘Mansfield Matters’ section), and The Australian Local Government Job Directory.  From time to time we will also recruit through professional associations and selected on line platforms such as Seek, Sidekicker, and Linkedin.


All applications must contain:

Cover Letter

Your cover letter is an opportunity to introduce yourself, demonstrate your interest in working with us and the specific position you are applying for and motivate us to read your resume to get to know you further. A good cover letter only needs to be one page.


We’d like to see the following things contained within your resumé:

  • your overall career statement
  • employment history in chronological order, detailing positions you have held, where they were, for how long you were employed and a summary of the duties performed by you
  • the skills and experience you have acquired (remember to include any volunteer work you have undertaken that you think is relevant)
  • education
  • training courses you have attended
  • any professional memberships held
  • the names and contact details of at least two referees
  • relevant important details, such as your full name and preferred name, residential address, email address, contact phone number, details of any mandatory requirements for the position such as a Working With Children Check, or Heavy Vehicle Drivers Licence, etc.

Key Selection Criteria

This is your first opportunity to demonstrate to us that you are the best candidate for the role. Your responses to the Key Selection Criteria is the key document that we will use when we put together a shortlist of applicants for interview.  You will find the Key Selection Criteria contained within each advertised role’s position description. No matter how well suited or qualified you are for a position, if you do not address the key selection criteria your application may not proceed to the interview stage.

Be brief when responding to each of the criteria and keep your responses clear and concise. Use positive and active language and ensure you double check for spelling and grammar.

Submitting Applications

All information must be received by Council prior to the advertised closing date. No late applications will be accepted. We prefer to receive applications via email to You can also provide a hard copy application by marking as follows:

Private and Confidential
“Application – Position Title”

In Person

Drop your application in person to our Customer Service desk at: 33 Highett Street, Mansfield


Post your application to:
Mansfield Shire Council
Private Bag 1000