Resealing Works Set to Commence
Published on 25 January 2024
Resealing works will commence on priority sections of identified roads across Mansfield Shire on Monday 5 February as part of Council’s annual road asset renewal program.
Boral Pty Ltd was awarded the $552,796.65 contract with resealing works planned to be complete by Friday 16 February, with allowance in the program for wet weather.
The following sealed roads have had sections prepared and stabilised and are now scheduled to undergo resealing works:
• Old Tolmie Road, Tolmie
• Victoria Street, Mansfield
• Piries-Goughs Bay Road, Mansfield
• Howes Creek Road, Mansfield
• Crosbys Lane. Mansfield
• Barwite Road, Mansfield
• Merton - Strathbogie road, Merton
• Mitchell Court, Mansfield
• Highett Street, Mansfield
Resealing works include spraying a layer of bitumen onto the road, laying gravel on top, rolling the surface of the road, then finally brushing off any excess gravel to give a new sealed road surface. Works are scheduled with care to achieve the best sealing outcome and durability of the new road surface.
Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said Council listens to community feedback in prioritising which roads to include in each year’s program.
“We know our community cares a lot about our roads, and we want to make sure they’re safe and reliable and able to support our local economy,” he said.
“Your feedback helps us allocate resources and deliver improvements where they’re most needed. We look forward to seeing these works take place over the coming month.”
Traffic management will be in place between 7.00 am and 5.00 pm with a reduced speed limit of 40km/h while works are underway in these areas. Access to affected businesses and premises will be maintained during these times. Drivers are advised to travel safely and follow the directions of traffic controllers and road signage when travelling in the area.
If you would like to learn more about the resealing process, please view this short video by Mansfield Shire Council Project Technical Officer, Warren Coad:
If you have any queries regarding the works, contact Council’s Capital Works team at or phone (03) 5775 8555.