Planning Scheme Amendment Reduces Red Tape for Farmers

Published on 21 April 2023

A recent planning scheme amendment will reduce unnecessary planning permit triggers and make it easier for farmers and rural and regional households to add extensions to their homes and allow farmers and businesses to more easily construct buildings that contribute to agricultural productivity.

The state-level amendment VC231 changes existing planning permit exemption thresholds for dwelling extensions, out-buildings and buildings used for agriculture in the Rural Living Zone, Farming Zone and Rural Activity Zone.

Mayor Cr James Tehan said the change will reduce red tape for farmers and agricultural businesses.

“Council welcomes this change, which will go a long way to helping remove unnecessary hurdles faced by the farming and agricultural sector when trying to expand their operations or extend their homes in rural and regional areas,” he said.

“It will also help to alleviate the workloads of planning staff so they can focus on more important tasks at hand and minimise permit processing times.”

The amendment changes the Victoria Planning Provisions in the Mansfield Planning Scheme by amending clauses 35.03, 35.07 and 37.08 to:

  • Exempt the need for a planning permit for an alteration or extension to an existing dwelling that has a floor area up to 200 square metres.
  • Allow the threshold distance for requiring a planning permit for a building triggered by a setback to a waterway, wetland or designated floodplain to be varied by a schedule to a zone.
  • Exempt the need for a planning permit for an out-building associated with a dwelling that has a floor area up to 250 square metres.
  • Exempt the need for a planning permit for an alteration or extension to an existing building used for agriculture that has a floor area up to 250 square metres.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning. Further information can be found on the Department of Transport and Planning Website or by contacting Council’s Environment and Planning team on 03 5775 8555 or by email at

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