Piries Goughs Bay Shared Path - Stage 1 Completion

Published on 03 May 2024

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Stage 1 of the Piries – Goughs Bay shared path has been completed. The path, which will extend from near the Goughs Bay General Store to Mountain Bay Drive once all stages are completed, is a priority project in Council’s Footpath and Shared Path Strategy.

Mayor Cr Steve Rabie said the strategy was subject to a wide community consultation.

“We heard from the community that not having a good path in this area meant that local families and holidaymakers going for a walk were pushed onto the road along with fast moving traffic,” said Cr Rabie.

“This shared path represents our commitment to community safety through smart investment in infrastructure and our promise to listen to the needs of our community.

“We know this is a key priority for the Goughs Bay community and so it has also been a priority for Council.

With the first stage of this path complete, we’re laying the foundation for strong community infrastructure that meets the needs of our growing community,” said Cr Rabie.

The 270-metre path of compacted gravel is the first stage of the delivery of a path that will ultimately connect the Goughs Bay township with the High Country Gardens Gallery & Maze and the Mountain Bay community.

The 2.5m wide path, including culverts, signage and handrails, has been constructed at a cost of $75,882 to Council. Funding for a further stage of the project has been included in Council’s proposed budget for the 2024-25 financial year.


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