Boosting Recycling in Mansfield Shire

Published on 04 November 2022

The Victorian Government has recently announced funding to help improve recycling and reduce landfill. The funding will enable new glass drop-off points to be established throughout the Shire, ultimately allowing tonnes of glass to be recycled into new glass bottles and jars.

The funding is part of the $129 million state-wide investment to roll-out the new four-stream waste and recycling service, due to be introduced to Mansfield Shire in mid-2024.

New Victorian legislation requires all local governments to deliver a new four-stream waste and recycling system. Across Victoria, this will help divert 80 per cent of all materials away from landfill by 2030, which includes 20,000 tonnes of glass.

The funding Council has received will be used for purchasing specially-designed glass separation bins. These bins will be strategically placed around the Shire to establish public drop-off points. Once full, the bins will be transported to a glass recycling facility for emptying and processing.

It is envisioned that this project will be completed by July 2023.

For further information on the upcoming changes to recycling and waste services within the Mansfield Shire, please visit Engage Mansfield and join the conversation.