Temporary & Mobile Food Operators

Information and guidelines for temporary and mobile food operators

This section should be read in conjunction with Mansfield Shire Council Temporary Food Premises Guideline(PDF, 818KB)  and Food Premise Specifications(PDF, 61KB).

Mobile food vans

The Victorian Food Act 1984 and the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code provide for the registration of mobile food vans.

You must register the van with the Council in which the vehicle is garaged.

Similar to fixed premises the types of food provided will determine whether the foods sold fall within a Class 2, 3 or 4 type business, and therefore the requirements of relevant food safety programs, minimal records and training requirements.

The structural standards required for the fit out of a kitchen in a mobile food vehicle are dependent upon the nature of the food business, taking into account the potential risk factors and can consider the frequency of usage.

The proprietor of the food vehicle must prominently affix their name (and contact details) onto the vehicle and ensure that this is maintained in a fit and legible condition.

The fit out requirements are similar to the standards applicable to fixed food premises and apply to mobile food premises from which food is prepared and offered for sale:

  • All fittings, equipment, floors, walls and ceiling must be constructed of smooth and impervious material capable of being easily cleaned.
  • A minimum of one sink supplied with hot and cold water for the cleaning of utensils and equipment used in the preparation of food.
  • A dedicated hand wash basin supplied with hot and cold running (potable) water, liquid soap and paper towel.
  • A suitably sized waste water holding tank is to be provided for the waste water from the sink(s) and hand basin.
  • Adequate mechanical ventilation must be provided above the cooking appliances.
  • Adequate refrigeration facilities to ensure any cold foods are stored at or below 5ºC.


If you sell food from a portable stall, a van, a community hall or other similar site that you only use occasionally, or from a vending machine then you must also be registered on Streatrader and submit Statements Of Trade (SOT) to notify Council that you are trading.

Private water carters that transport water for human consumption must be registered with Council and submit an SOT via the online Streatrader platform.

Once your application for registration has been accepted by Council, you may trade anywhere in Victoria.

It is a requirement that you submit an SOT prior to attending a site beyond the municipal boundary of your registering Council.

Please note that failure to notify Council may result in a fine.